After arriving at Konjic, we wandered around trying to find the beach and stopped to have ice cream for lunch (for the second day in a row...) We asked several people and found the beach. It is on the Neretva River, which is this amazingly pure turquoise color that my camera could not adequately capture. If you look closely, you can see a boy jumping off the cliff into the water.

When we got to the beach we realized we did not have beach towels, so tried to find some in a few stores by the beach. We went into one little convenience store-type place and met this guy who i think must have been in high school, who took us all over town trying to find beach towels for us. We told him that wasn't necessary and we would be fine, but like i mentioned before, that is just how most people are here. We couldn't find one because a lot of stores are closed on sunday, but got a nice tour of Konjic regardless!

There were a lot of families at the beach with cute little kids running around splashing in the water. The water was sooooo refreshing; it has been so hot in Sarajevo and air conditioning doesn't really exist, so plunging into this beautiful, cold river was incredibly invigorating. It was amazing for me to be in the turquoise Neretva River in Bosnia, surrounded by a bunch of happy families, and to hear the imam's call to prayer from the mosque that was beside this bridge that was heavily damaged in the war.
I had this brilliant idea to sort of shoot myself off of this rock formation that was in the water that kind of created a sort of water slide and went into a strong current, and then just allow myself to be carried down the river by the current. I failed to account for the boulders that were also in the path of the current, and crashed into several. Courtney managed to catch me after crashing into a particularly large boulder, which knocked off my flip flop. That is me being carried away by the current, reaching for my flip flop. I did it several times though :) Sorry the photo is so small...

No adventure would be complete without a Sarajevska Pivo
I forgot to include these photos earlier. On Friday, Courtney and I went to another amazing restaurant on the hills surrounding Sarajevo. This time I decided it would be best to take a cab. It was on the opposite hill; the first hill-top restaurant I went to was on the north side of the city, and this one is on the south. The south hill (well they are actually mountains) i belive is called something like Trebinjik and is still heavily mined in some areas, so we obviously stayed on paved roads. The view, again, was stunning.

So was the food. We got a cheese plate to start, with some cheese made by Trappist monks. I would have taken a picture of the whole thing, but we were hungry... We split two meals; i got lamb with what tasted like Greek potatos (with tomato paste sauce) and salad, and Courtney ordered these delicious fried dough puffs with different kinds of cheese and sauce.

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